1801 Solar Dr. Suite 290 Oxnard, CA 93030

Teeth Whitening Oxnard, CA

Teeth whitening is a popular cosmetic dental treatment that safely and effectively takes years of stains off your teeth. The professional teeth whitening in Oxnard, CA, that we offer provides quick and highly effective results. Cosmetic dentist Dr. Haddad offers patients take-home and in-office ZOOM Whitening options. Both of these options can improve the aesthetics of your smile to boost your self-confidence and enhance your quality of life.

Whitening teeth is a great addition to any smile makeover as well. Visit Beach Cities Dental Group for comprehensive cosmetic dentistry services. We can address your dental problems so you can have brighter, beautiful, and healthy smiles.

Why are My Teeth Discolored?

Many reasons stain and discolor teeth, or turn your teeth yellow. Your diet, lifestyle habits, and certain medications can all cause yellow teeth, stained teeth, and discolored teeth.

Dentin exposure usually causes yellow stains. As the enamel of the tooth erodes, dentin, the next layer of tooth material, becomes visible. Dentin has a natural yellow color. The most common causes of tooth discoloration are:

  • Aging
  • Enamel Erosion
  • Coffee, Tea, Soda & Wine
  • Tobacco Use

Tetracycline, certain antibiotics, or excessive fluoride may also cause tooth discoloration. This type of discoloration may be resistant to teeth whitening gels. Fortunately, Dr. Haddad offers alternatives such as porcelain veneers and tooth bonding to treat discoloration from medication or trauma.

Teeth Whitening in Oxnard, CA

Before treatment, Dr. Haddad will provide patients with a thorough oral health exam. She will determine which whitening option will best meet your cosmetic goals and fit your lifestyle. Our in-office teeth whitening treatment is FDA approved. We can safely whiten your teeth up to 8 shades in one visit to our Oxnard dental office.

At-Home Teeth Whitening

At-home teeth-whitening kits offer patients convenience and results. After a comprehensive oral health exam, Dr. Haddad will custom design and fabricate a set of plastic trays. She will fill these bleaching trays with professional grade bleaching gel. Because the trays are custom-fit to the patient’s teeth, they provide precise results with less gum irritation than over the counter options.

Take-home teeth whitening allows patients to gradually whiten their teeth in the comfort of their own home. Take-home whitening kits are cost-effective and allow you to naturally brighten your teeth in your own time.

Zoom! Teeth Whitening

Zoom can whiten teeth up to 8 shades in about one hour. This in-office treatment option offers dramatic and beautiful results in no time at all. Zoom whitening uses a combination of a high-quality whitening gel and a special light. Dr. Haddad will apply a gel to teeth and use the specially designed light to activate the whitening agent.

Teeth Whitening in Oxnard CA

Zoom treatments are virtually pain-free and require no downtime. Best of all, the whitening gels reduce temporary tooth sensitivity and gum irritation. Dr. Haddad may recommend that patients avoid tobacco products, coffee, tea, and red wine to elongate results.

Professional Teeth Whitening vs Store Bought Teeth Whitening Products

Choosing professional teeth whitening over store-bought whitening products has its benefits. The treatments we offer in our dental office use a stronger concentration of whitening agents. This makes them more effective than any product you will find on a shelf which will take much longer to provide results.

A dental professional administers and monitors professional whitening products. They have extensive training to make sure patients are safe while receiving maximum benefits from their treatments. With over-the-counter products, results can be unpredictable and unsafe. In the long run, it’s simply safer, more effective, and time saving to let a dentist whiten your teeth.

Teeth Whitening FAQs

If you are looking for more information about professional teeth whitening, start by reading through these frequently asked questions. We have compiled this list to help patients understand more about professional whitening. If you have additional questions or concerns, please call our office during business hours.

Is whitening my teeth safe?

Yes, teeth whitening treatments at the dental office are safe. Dentists use professional-grade whitening products that minimize the risk of tooth sensitivity, gum irritation and other side effects. However, always follow your dentist’s instructions and let them know of any dental issues before undergoing a whitening procedure.

How long does teeth whitening last?

Results from a teeth whitening service at the dental office can last anywhere from 6 months to 2 years. Your oral hygiene habits, dietary choices, and smoking or drinking habits will affect how long your teeth stay white. However, regular touch-up treatments or at-home maintenance can help prolong the results of professional whitening treatments.

After a teeth whitening treatment, you should continue diligent oral hygiene and biannual dental cleanings to best maintain results. Tobacco products, drinking a lot of coffee, tea and soft drinks can quickly stain your teeth. Dr. Haddad offers patients touch up kits to keep your teeth bright and white.

How much does teeth whitening cost?

The cost of a teeth whitening treatment will depend on the type of treatment the patient chooses. On average, in-office procedures can cost between $300 to $800, while at-home teeth whitening kits typically range from $20 to $100. Dr. Haddad will discuss all treatment options available, and outline their benefits and cost.

Will professional teeth whitening permanently whiten my teeth?

No, the results from professional teeth whitening will not last forever. However, it can last anywhere from three months to up to two years. How long your results last completely depends on how well you maintain your teeth and your lifestyle habits. Avoiding tobacco and things like red wine, coffee, and tea will help the results last longer.

How can I maintain my whitening results?

Maintaining your whitening results is easy. Avoid anything that can stain your teeth such as coffee, tea, and red wine. Maintaining proper oral hygiene is important too. You need to brush twice daily, floss regularly, and use whitening toothpaste.

Consider using touch-up treatments every couple of months, and visit our dentist for professional cleanings and advice. Avoid smoking because this causes teeth to turn yellow. Lastly, rinse your mouth after every meal to keep bacteria from staining your teeth.

Are there any side effects of professional teeth whitening?

Professional teeth whitening has little to no side effects. The most common one is temporary sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures. Some patients also experience mild gum irritation and white gums.

However, these side effects do not typically last long; a few days at most. We always take steps to minimize your risks and ensure you are safe during the treatment.

Can professional teeth whitening damage my teeth?

Professional teeth whitening is generally safe and will not damage teeth when a qualified dentist provides the service. However, improper use of any whitening agents and overuse can lead to tooth sensitivity, gum irritation, and enamel damage. Always follow your dentist’s instructions and attend your follow-up appointment to ensure your teeth and gums are healthy.

Call Today to Learn More About Professional Teeth Whitening in Oxnard, CA.

Professional teeth whitening offers a safe and effective way to brighten your smile. To see if this cosmetic treatment will work for you, schedule a consultation for teeth whitening at our Oxnard dental office. You can reach our dental practice at (805) 312-9164 or you can fill out our online form to request an appointment.